Chatham Bars Inn

Chatham Bars Inn

Posted 2 years ago

Job Features

Job CategoryCulinary, Hospitality
PositionCulinary Arts Internship
Rate/HourCulinary: $16.50/ FB: $7-10 + Tips - $16.50
Over TimeAvailable
HousingProvided $150-170/ week
Duration5 - 6 months
Quantity8 Culinary/ 5 FB
Start DateMarch 2023

Apply Online

Chatham Bars Inn


Chatham Bars Inn Resort & Spa, a 4-Star, 4-Diamond luxury resort is located in the town of Chatham, on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. The resort and its location are steeped in history and rich in a service-oriented culture. Chatham Bars Inn sits high upon a bluff with sweeping views of Pleasant Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Our understated luxury and premium amenities coupled with a staff of passionate service providers creates an experience for guests that is thoroughly enjoyable and memorable.


Additional Information

There are 4 full-service restaurants, 217 guestrooms; 15,000 sq. ft. of dedicated meeting space plus another 7,000 sq. ft. in additional space for meetings & events. Our 8-acre farm is the source for our fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Chatham Bars Inn boasts an award-winning Spa, two pools, and a bevy of outdoor activities that includes biking, kayaking, tennis, yoga, power walks, and a quarter mile of private beach. Our boat fleet is extensive and provides enjoyment such as whale watching, deep sea fishing, seal cruises, sunset cruises, water tours, and trips to the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.

Chatham Bars Inn is a wonderful place to work as it offers so much including great benefits, a positive culture and environment that fosters growth and enjoyment in what we do. Working with seasoned and passionate professionals who value each other and share in the same goal of consistency in quality service just makes the daily work experience pleasurable.

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