Patina Lincoln Ristorante

Patina Lincoln Ristorante

New York
Posted 1 year ago

Patina Lincoln Ristorante

Job Features

Job CategoryCulinary
Over TimeAvailable
PositionCulinary Arts
HousingParticipant arranged
Duration12 months
Start DateApril 2023 - June 2023
Specific Requirements-

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Teleferic Barcelona Fine Dining Restaurant


At Lincoln Ristorante, we offer an authentic interpretation of Italian cuisine in New York at Lincoln Center. Our philosophy is simple: to source the best local ingredients and prepare them with authentic Italian methods and spirit. We rely on local farmers and purveyors along with weekly visits to our neighborhood Tucker Square Greenmarket, while importing irreplaceable items from Italy. We honor the Italian culinary tradition of making our own fresh pastas, grissini, and focaccia.


Additional Information

At Lincoln Ristorante, we offer Chef Shea Gallante’s interpretation of Italian cuisine in New York at Lincoln Center. Our philosophy is simple: to source the best local ingredients and prepare them with authentic Italian methods and spirit. We rely on local farmers and purveyors along with weekly visits to our neighborhood Tucker Square Greenmarket, while importing irreplaceable items from Italy. We honor the Italian culinary tradition of making our own fresh pastas, grissini, and focaccia. Desserts, by Richard Capizzi, are beautiful renditions of Italy’s classics: light, lush and irresistible. A focus and commitment to freshness and respect for every ingredient is paramount in our daily life.

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