The Wheatleigh Hotel

The Wheatleigh Hotel

Posted 3 years ago

Job Features

Job CategoryCulinary, Hospitality
PositionCulinary Arts/ Food & Beverage
Rate/Hour$13.00 - 16.00
Over TimeAvailable
HousingProvided $135/ week
Duration12 months
Start Date01/15/2023
Specific RequirementsThis training should extend your knowledge to the cuisine and culinary style of our industry that will be complementary to your restaurant and hotel experience. You will learn many new techniques and develop your skills in a five star kitchen. You will be exposed to the cooking of the gourmet restaurant, the casual restaurant, banquets, events, weddings and more. This will give you the opportunity to apply for a management position on your return to your home country.

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The Wheatleigh Hotel


In 1893, Henry H. Cook purchased estate land in The Berkshires. He hired the Peabody and Stearns architectural firm in Boston to build Wheatleigh, an Italianate-style country home inspired by his ancestral family home in Wheatley, Oxfordshire. Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982, the luxurious hotel features contemporary accommodations in an elegant Gilded Age mansion, complete with extraordinary cuisine and exceptional service.


Additional Information

One of the smallest Leading Hotels of the World, Wheatleigh has 19 guest rooms and suites that set the standard for style and sophistication. Understated yet artfully designed, each room features high ceilings, fine antiques, and museum-quality art, while guest baths boast large soaking tubs and separate showers.

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